
Rabu, 24 Januari 2024


Have you ever heard the saying, "Less friend, less problem"? It seems that it applies to everything in the world. The less you have, the less problems you have to face. For example, if I only have a little money, then my desire to buy things is not as much as if I am wealthy.

And being in this place with many people and many jobs also creates many problems. I have been assigned to the Seksi Pelayanan twice. First in my old office for two years, and in my new office for three months (although it feels like half a year).

I feel okay with the work that is given. Since it is called Pelayanan, of course I have to serve clients with a friendly and smiling face. Even though I am not a person who smiles easily

The problems faced by office workers are always three: the work environment, the boss, or the coworkers. And I think in this place it is the boss. So far, my coworkers can be said to be quite cooperative and supportive. Well, there have been a few unpleasant events, but I still try to be professional when talking and discussing work.

Only we need someone who can be a role model and guide in our work. Not someone who is just as confused when we are also confused. The worst thing is when I found out that my boss is a nosy and gossipy person. Even for things that should be internal information only. He even deliberately talked about it with the office next door. We were amazed and felt very annoyed.

How do we know? Because we have many colleagues who also work in the office next door. And when we found out the news, it was very annoying. When we confront him and asked why he did that, he just laughed and didn't give an answer.

My friend once said, he is an observer, he likes to observe. But I think he is a good gossiper. Seeing and observing to be discussed with his best friend. You know he likes to gossip while eating kwaci.

As a subordinate, I just do my job and try to respect him as my boss. I don't want to be involved in anything outside of work. My friend had said that she and her boss had a good relationship and often talked about things outside of work, no, I don't want that. My personal life is my own business. After all, these people are just coming and going. In a year or two, they'll move on or I'll move on, and they'll forget me just like that. So why should I get involved with them any more than I have to?

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Diagnosa yang terlalu dini, Alzeimer?

Hi guys~ Selamat datang kembali ke blog amatir ini. Terimakasih sudah meluangkan waktu kalian untuk bergabung dengan gue disini, menuli...