
Minggu, 26 Mei 2024

After Effect Menonton Film "Tuhan Izinkan Aku Berdosa"

I feel like I need to write about him before I lose the euphoria of this feeling. Yeah, I’ll start this story with an Instagram live video from Samo's account last night. Normally, I’m not the one who like to watch live videos, but since it was Samo, who I had just seen on the big screen a few days ago, I decided to join.

Like any other social media influencer, Samo greeted his followers on Instagram. He was bored, smoking on a rooftop, and enjoying the Jakarta breeze. When he greeted us, my fingers itched to say something. Something trivial, but something I really wanted to tell him.

“Ditunggu film-film selanjutnya kak,” I wrote.

A few moments later, Samo read my comment, smiled slightly, and responded, “Okay, Salma, ditunggu.”



I laughed and smiled like a crazy.

I didn’t expect him to respond using my name. I mean, hey~ you must be really good at winning over your fans, huh?

That night, I slept better than usual.


Alright, let’s talk more about who Samo Rafael is. But please, don’t think I’m crazy or childish because, honestly, we all need hobbies, and this happens to be mine. As long as it doesn’t hurt, disturb others, or harm the nation and state.

I recently watched the movie "Tuhan Izinkan Aku Berdosa" at the cinema. It’s an excellent film, full of meaning and courage. The movie is based on the novel titled "Tuhan Izinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur." I know, what a heavy title, but in the end, my sister and I decided to watch it.

Throughout the film, I was amazed, furious, scared, and moved. The acting, the storyline, and the execution from every angle were impressive.

Besides Aghniny Haque’s superb acting, I was also captivated by another character, Hudan, played by Samo Rafael. The first time I saw Samo, I thought I’d seen him somewhere before. It turns out, I remembered being captivated by a character played by Samo in "Sebelum Iblis Menjemput" about five years ago. Since then, I hadn't seen him in any other films.

Usually, when I like an actor, I immediately search for all the movies or series they’ve been in or will be in. Then, I binge-watch them. This happened with Bill Skarsgård too. An actor who is hard to reach, his indie films rarely make it to Indonesia. I had to search on “somewhere” sites to watch his movies. Sometimes, they’re not even available on streaming platforms.

In comparison, Samo Rafael is easier to reach. At least we breathe the same country's oxygen. Jakarta to Tanjungpinang isn’t too far. If he ever does a promotion in Batam, I’ll do my best to be there, haha. #dedication

It’s exhausting to be a fan of someone overseas with a time difference of more than 5 hours. The jet lag affects not only me but also my wallet. I really want to buy merchandise from the Sturniolo Triplets, and if I were fully dedicated, I could, but I worry about the disappointment if the package gets stuck in customs. We all know how customs have been lately.

The point is, I just wanted to share that small and simple things like that can lift my mood for maybe the next three days. Or if I have a bad day, I’ll listen to that recording. It’s my mood booster. I’m really thankful to Samo, I hope you succeed, and I’m looking forward to all your future works! 


**got a little update here**

Yesterday, Samo did another live session with some of his followers. Oh, of course, I joined. That day, he was giving away movie tickets to three people who could answer his quiz questions. First, he asked a number guessing question. Oh, there was no way I could figure out the trick to that because I'm clueless about such things.

Then came the second question. I don't remember exactly what the question was, but the answer was the city of Manado. Meanwhile, I answered, “do re mi fa Solo si do,” trying to come up with my own creative response. It turned out my answer was wrong, and of course, I missed the chance to watch a movie or get treated by him.

But then, suddenly this afternoon, I got a notification from Instagram—Samo sent me a message. WHAT? I was stunned and confused. Could this be my love reciprocated?

Of course, I couldn't accept the invitation! I'm in Tanjungpinang, hey! It's far. Kilometers away from Jakarta and Kemang Village. Maybe someday, when the universe allows, we can meet and watch a movie together. Haha. Hahahaha.

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Diagnosa yang terlalu dini, Alzeimer?

Hi guys~ Selamat datang kembali ke blog amatir ini. Terimakasih sudah meluangkan waktu kalian untuk bergabung dengan gue disini, menuli...