
Minggu, 20 September 2020

Jangan Hina Playlist Gue

Kalau sedang dalam perjalanan di mobil, kongkow-kongkow, atau berkumpul bareng teman-teman dan tiba-tiba ada yang nanya "Mau muter lagu apa?" gue dengan kalem akan menunduk dan pura-pura tidak dengar. Atau menjadi fake dengan membuka top10 playlist supaya bisa memberikan sumbang sih dalam percakapan.

Jujur selera musik gue aneh. Gue suka mendengarkan lagu-lagu yang bukan 'tren' dan lagu dalam negri tapi yang lawas-lawas. Kalau lagu jaman sekarang gue merasa kurang pas gitu, apalagi dengan bahasa indonesia kan, semakin mudah juga gue mengerti kalau lagu itu sampah. 

Senin, 07 September 2020

you hurt me

Honestly, deep down in my heart, I still can't accept what my friends have done. I used to be a simple person, wanting to express myself, seeking freedom, and inner peace. I couldn't even find that. They judged me, ignored me for a week, and did exactly what I had read in bullying stories.

Deep down in my heart... I felt that it was unfair. I am just like other people who want to express themselves, but they... they are so arrogant and seem to be suppressing me. Even though in the end they did a "good" thing by gathering people from my class, making a group without me, talking about me, etc. My foolish self felt, "Oh, please attack me, please isolate me as much as you want, it won't change anything!"

In the end, I stopped it, but not wholeheartedly. Everything went so awkwardly. Until this very moment, I feel observed, watched, and also feel resentment towards their judgmental behavior. I am still a teenager, I still need a place to express my emotions, to pour out everything that is in my head. Then suddenly people come, judge, ask with disgusting curiosity. Ask more sharply than a journalist's pen.

I am very angry. I want to explode. I want to yank their hair one by one and drag them to the edge of a cliff and push them with all my strength.

Do those people know that I never accepted all of their attitudes?

Do those people know that I have lost my rights?

Can't they understand me? Understand a Salma who is still a teenager, full of turmoil, rebellion, and possessed by the devil. Do they know about the mental illness that I have? Do they know that I once went to the doctor and asked, "Am I crazy, doc?"

It is impossible for me to say that. At that time, "mental illness" was not considered important, even though children of my age had the same problems. I tried to solve it myself. I tried not to hurt myself. But those people, unknowingly, had already hurt me. Hurt me in the deepest part. Destroying me far within.

How can I ask them to be responsible?

School counselor? Bullshit! I have never been able to trust anyone. I have a problem with trusting others. The darkest part of my life... let me know. I don't care about the darkest part of your life either. Don't interfere in other people's affairs, don't interfere in my affairs.

Diagnosa yang terlalu dini, Alzeimer?

Hi guys~ Selamat datang kembali ke blog amatir ini. Terimakasih sudah meluangkan waktu kalian untuk bergabung dengan gue disini, menuli...